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Privacy Policy

JJ EATSONLINE PTY LTD and its related entities (referred to as JJ, we, or our) are dedicated to safeguarding your Personal Information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (Cth) (Privacy Act).

This Privacy Policy outlines how JJ collects, retains, and utilizes Personal Information covered by the Privacy Act. It does not encompass categories of Personal Information outside the scope of the Privacy Act. For any inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact JJ through the methods specified in clause 13.

JJ may periodically review and update this Privacy Policy, considering new laws, regulations, and technological advancements. All Personal Information managed by JJ will be subject to our most recent Privacy Policy, accessible on our website at www.mobipos.infor Our latest Privacy Policy will govern the collection, usage, and disclosure of Personal Information.

1. What is "Personal Information"?

Personal Information is information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, regardless of the accuracy of the information or whether it is recorded in a material form.

2. What Personal Information do we collect and hold?

JJ may gather and retain Personal Information, including but not limited to your name, gender, date of birth, contact details (such as addresses, phone numbers, and emails—both personal and professional), financial information, payment details, bank account information, tax file numbers, and product and service preferences.

3. Why do we collect Personal Information?

3.1 JJ collects Personal Information from customers, employees, contractors, and other individuals when it is reasonably necessary for one or more of our functions or activities. These purposes include:

  • Facilitating our business operations.

  • Complying with applicable regulatory requirements.

  • Marketing and selling our products and services.

  • Carrying out employee-related activities.

3.2 You have the option to interact with us anonymously or by using a pseudonym, except when it is impractical (for instance, during contract negotiations) or when legal requirements or court orders dictate otherwise. In such cases, we are not obliged to provide anonymity or pseudonymity options.

3.3 If you opt not to provide your Personal Information to JJ, we may be unable to perform certain activities on your behalf, such as providing requested information, products, or services.

4. When and how do we collect Personal Information?

4.1 JJ collects Personal Information when you:

  • Visit our website or physical stores.

  • Engage in the supply or purchase of products or services.

  • Request information about our products or services.

  • Offer feedback or respond to surveys.

  • Modify your content or email preferences.

  • Enter into a contract with us.

  • Fill out forms on our website.

  • Contact us via telephone, email, post, or in person.

4.2 JJ may also receive Personal Information about you through third parties, including our suppliers and merchants.

4.3 In certain circumstances, we may receive unsolicited Personal Information. In such instances, we will adhere to our obligations under the Privacy Act. You acknowledge that, unless legally mandated otherwise, we may de-identify or destroy unsolicited information.

5. Information collected via our Website

5.1 JJ will only collect Personal Information from website users when it is knowingly provided or as otherwise described below. For instance, we may collect Personal Information when users:

  • Complete an online form.

  • Correspond with JJ in any other way.

Click Stream Data

5.2 While you visit and browse our website, our website host may collect Personal Information for statistical, reporting, and maintenance purposes. Subject to clause 7.4, this information will not be used to personally identify you. The collected data may include:

  • The number of website visitors and page views.

  • Date, time, and duration of visits.

  • Your computer's IP address.

  • The path taken through our website.

5.3 JJ's website host uses this information to administer and enhance website performance.


5.4 Cookies are small text files that websites transfer to a user's computer hard drive to store information about the user's identity, browser type, or website browsing patterns.

5.5 When you access our website, a cookie is downloaded to your computer's hard drive. You have the option to disable cookies in your internet browser. However, please note that doing so may limit your access to certain services or functionalities on our website.

Web Beacons

5.6 Web beacons are images from third-party sites used to track visitor activities. JJ may employ web beacons to gather aggregated data, which is then provided to our website host for administering and enhancing website performance.


5.7 We engage Google and/or other third-party service providers to display ads on the Internet, including our website. These providers may collect anonymous information about your visits to our website (excluding your name, address, email address, or telephone number) and your interactions with our products and services. They may also use this information to target advertisements for goods and services, providing you with more relevant content.

6. How JJ uses the Personal Information it collects about you

6.1 JJ utilizes collected Personal Information for its business functions and activities, which may include:

  • Providing requested information, products, or services.

  • Promoting and marketing our products and services.

  • Personalizing and customizing your website experiences.

  • Conducting customer needs research.

  • Improving existing products or services or creating new ones.

  • Providing ongoing information about JJ and its activities.

  • Compliance with regulatory or legal requirements.

  • Addressing employee-related matters.

  • Other purposes communicated to you at the time of Personal Information collection or for which you have provided consent.

6.2 JJ may employ your Personal Information for secondary purposes if they are related to those listed in clause 6.1, if we have your consent, or if permitted by the Privacy Act.

6.3 You may receive direct marketing materials from us if you would reasonably expect to do so or if you consent to such communication. We will seek your consent before sending direct marketing materials if we obtain your Personal Information from a third party. Direct marketing materials may include promotional content about JJ or our products and services.

6.4 You have the option to opt out of receiving direct marketing materials. Instructions for doing so can be found in the direct marketing materials or in clause 13.

6.5 Generally, we will collect and use your Personal Information in line with this Privacy Policy. In cases where we collect or use Personal Information differently from what is stated here, we will ensure compliance with the Privacy Act.

7. Who do we disclose your Personal Information to?

7.1 Depending on your relationship with JJ, we may disclose your Personal Information to:

  • Shareholders, officers, and employees of JJ.

  • Other entities within our group of companies.

  • Service providers are assisting our business operations.

  • Parties involved in the purchase or sale of any of our businesses.

  • Other third parties.

  • As required by law.

7.2 JJ may also disclose your Personal Information to our website host or service providers in specific situations, such as technical issues or to ensure effective and secure website operation. Any sharing with a service provider will only occur if they agree to adhere to our privacy standards, as described in this Privacy Policy.

7.3 We may also share non-personal, de-identified, and aggregated information for research or promotional purposes. We do not sell Personal Information to third parties for marketing purposes.

7.4 Unless otherwise specified in this Privacy Policy, JJ and our website host will not disclose your Personal Information to any other organisation, except as required by law or permitted by the Privacy Act.

8. Disclosure of your Personal Information overseas

Your Personal Information may be disclosed to entities in foreign countries, including entities in which JJ has an ownership interest. These countries may include Vietnam and the United Kingdom. The list of locations may change, and we will make reasonable efforts to notify you of any changes. We take precautions to ensure that overseas entities are obligated to protect the privacy and security of your Personal Information and use it only for the disclosed purposes.

9. Storage and security of Personal Information held by JJ

9.1 JJ takes reasonable measures to protect your Personal Information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure.

9.2 We strive to maintain the security and accuracy of your Personal Information. Our handling of Personal Information complies with the Privacy Act, including information stored on JJ's computer systems.

9.3 Personal Information in hard copy format is securely stored and used only for purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

10. Updating and correcting your Personal Information

We make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Personal Information we hold is accurate, up-to-date, and complete. You can update your Personal Information at any time by contacting JJ through the methods specified in clause 13. We appreciate your assistance in keeping our records current.

11. How long will JJ keep your Personal Information?

11.1 We retain your Personal Information only for the duration required for our business operations and as mandated by Australian law.

11.2 When no longer necessary, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify your Personal Information.

11.3 If you wish to have your Personal Information destroyed or de-identified, please inform us, and we will make reasonable efforts to comply (unless legal, auditing, or internal risk management requirements dictate otherwise).

12. Finding out what Personal Information JJ holds about you

12.1 You have the right to access the Personal Information JJ holds about you. If you request access, we will grant it unless doing so would unreasonably compromise others' privacy or is prohibited by the Australian Privacy Principles or other laws. If we decline your access request, we will provide written reasons for our decision.

12.2 To request access, please contact JJ through the methods specified in clause 13.

13. How to contact us and more information

13.1 If you believe that JJ has not respected your privacy or has acted inconsistently with this Privacy Policy, the Australian Privacy Principles, a registered APP Code, and/or the Privacy Act regarding your Personal Information or if you have any other inquiries, issues, complaints, or communication related to this Privacy Policy, please contact us through the following means:

13.2 Additional information about the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles is available from the Australian Information Commissioner at (email:

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